
Mantis Shrimp: Sharmaine Donnelly-Shorton
Mantis Shrimp: Sharmaine Donnelly-Shorton


Mantis Shrimp - Over two thousand types around the world. They strike faster than a bullet and hold the record for worlds strongest animal pound for pound. They will destroy your thumb with one tap if you try to touch them.

“Called "sea locusts" by ancient Assyrians, "prawn killers" in Australia, and now sometimes referred to as "thumb splitters" — because of the animal's ability to inflict painful wounds if handled incautiously — mantis shrimps have powerful raptorials that are used to attack and kill prey either by spearing, stunning, or dismembering. Some mantis shrimp species have specialised calcified "clubs" that can strike with great power, while others have sharp forelimbs used to seize the prey (hence the term "mantis" in its common name).”


"Pistol shrimp - these guys have one massive claw they snap shut which sort of shoots out a jet to stun prey, where as the mantis shrimp will have clubs or spears that they flick out." Jb Walker (Photo: Aidan Mitchell)


Fresh water - Shield Shrimp. The order Notostraca comprises the single family Triopsidae, containing the tadpole shrimp or shield shrimp. The two genera, Triops and Lepidurus, are considered living fossils, having not changed significantly in outward form since the Triassic over 300 million years ago.

They have 3 eyes. The eggs lay dormant and even survive ground temperatures of 80 degrees. They hatch in the Wet Season and live for 90 days. You find them in the big floods on Roebuck Plains.